Leadership, Influence & Collaboration

“A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they don’t necessarily want to go, but ought to be.”

Rosalynn Carter

Throughout my professional journey, I have assumed various leadership roles. At times that has been to lead from the forefront, and at other times to be behind the scenes quietly collaborating and influencing others to get things done.

As a representative of the Institutional Marketing and Communication department at SLCC, I especially enjoy partnering with colleagues from different departments and working with executives of all levels of leadership. Leveraging clients’ expertise into content for public relations purposes is a particular part of my job that I excel at and delight in.

An example of this is my collaboration with SLCC’s HSI Director, Kino Hurtado which has led to several earned media opportunities.

During my tenure at SLCC, I have participated in the Presidents Leadership Institute and served on multiple committees, including the Emerging Hispanic Institution Steering Committee, COVID Taskforce, Student Enrollment Management Committee, Wayfinding Committee, and the Equity Minded Policy Review Committee.

I’ve been involved in hiring and training new employees, vendor management and collaborated on projects such as Spanish language signage, SLCC’s media release policy, and SLCC’s Custom AP Style Guide.
